Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Water pollution
পানি দূষন  

Water pollution is that the contamination of water bodies, typically as a results of human activities. Water bodies embrace as an example lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers and groundwater. pollution results oncecontaminants area unit introduced into the natural surroundingsas an exampleemotional inadequately treated effluent into natural water bodies will cause degradation of aquatic ecosystems. In turn, this maycause public health issues for folks living downstream. they will use an equivalent contaminated streamwater for drinking or bathing or irrigation. pollution is that the leading worldwide reason for death and malady, e.g. thanks to water-borne diseases.

Water pollution are often sorted into surface pollution. Marine pollution and nutrient pollution area unitsubsets of pollution. Sources of pollution area unit either purpose sources and non-point sources. purposesources have one placeable reason for the pollution, like a storm drain, effluent treatment plant or stream. Non-point sources area unit additional diffuse, like agricultural runoff.[3] Pollution is that the results of the additive impact over time. All plants and organisms living in or being exposed to contaminated water bodies are often compactthe consequences will injury individual species and impact the natural biological communities they're a part of.

The causes of pollution embrace a large vary of chemicals and pathogens still as physical parameters. Contaminants might embrace organic and inorganic substances. Elevated temperatures may causecontaminated water. a typical reason for pollution is that the use of water as a fluid by power plants and industrial makers. Elevated water temperatures decrease O levels, which might kill fish and alter organic phenomenon composition, cut back species multifariousness, and foster invasion by new thermophilic species.

Water pollution is measured by analysing water samples. Physical, chemical and biological tests are often done. management of pollution needs applicable infrastructure and management plans. The infrastructure might embrace effluent treatment plants. waste material treatment plants and industrial effluent treatment plants area unit typically needed to safeguard water bodies from untreated effluent. Agricultural effluent treatment for farms, and erosion management from construction sites may facilitate forestall pollution. Nature-based solutions area unit another approach to forestall pollution.[6] Effective management of urban runoff includes reducing speed and amount of flow. within the u. s., best management practices for pollution embrace approaches to scale back the amount of water and improve water quality.


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